Hey adventurers!
As I mentioned a while ago (around V-Day I guess :D) I somehow developed an addiction to rose prints. They are timeless and romantic and still fit in with an otherwise all black outfit. I got this 50s inspired rose dress from ACEVOG along with my tassle dress I showed you in my last outfit post. It fits really really well and I love how the print is really just black and red, no other colors involved. Not that other colors would be a problem here but I think it's kind of unique that there are no green leaves etc in the print. I love the feminine and romantic look it has to it but I wanted to create some contrast by adding some edgy vibes. I threw on my faux leather jacket as well as my killer black platform heels. I couldn't resist though and put on my rose flower crown I bought via DaWanda ages ago.
This outfit is just awesome for a night out as it has this vintage swing-and-rock'n'roll look to it that'll totally stand out at any party. Still, the leather jacket and the platforms give the dress a 2016-proof update while the whole look has some gothic/witchy aspects to it. I could totally imagine wearing this to a date as well as it's romantic yet kind of badass.
I had a couple days off from uni and I thought (!) I could finally get around to shooting some looks but the world said no :D My dad killed his hard drive and asked me to fix it and I don't even wanna start talking about the weather. I have to look at the calendar to remind myself that it's actually May and not February (Notice the little pools in the background in the first picture? It had rained before and started raining again right after I shot this look...). Alright, let's hope it'll get better soon.